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Become a Reviewer

The Journal of International Education (JIE) invites scholars and researchers to serve as peer reviewers for articles under consideration for publication. The peer-review process is a cornerstone of academic publishing, ensuring the high quality of published articles and, consequently, the success and integrity of JIE.


Job Description

Peer reviewers serve on a voluntary, part-time basis and conduct their work online. The primary language of review is English and/or Mandarin Chinese. Reviewers are responsible for evaluating submitted manuscripts and providing recommendations regarding acceptance, revision, or rejection. They are expected to offer detailed, constructive feedback, substantiated by references where applicable, to assist both editors in their decision-making and authors in refining their work. Additionally, reviewers must remain vigilant in identifying potential ethical concerns, including plagiarism, and report any such issues to the editorial team.


Benefits of Serving as a Peer Reviewer

Participation in the peer-review process offers numerous professional and academic benefits, including:

  1. Continuous Learning: Reviewing manuscripts within your area of expertise ensures that you remain up to date with the latest research developments in your field.

  2. Professional Recognition: Serving as a reviewer enhances your academic reputation, potentially leading to invitations for conference presentations or collaborative research opportunities.

  3. Impact on the Field: Your expertise will contribute to shaping scholarly discourse and influencing the direction of research in your discipline.

  4. Editorial Involvement: Reviewers may have the opportunity to propose special issues based on emerging research trends or areas of interest.

  5. Early Access to Research: Reviewing manuscripts provides privileged access to cutting-edge research before it is made publicly available, positioning you as a thought leader in your academic community.

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Eligibility Requirements

Prospective reviewers should meet the following criteria:

  1. A doctoral degree in a relevant field (Master’s degree holders with a demonstrated track record in research may also be considered).

  2. Employment in an academic institution or research organization.

  3. Proficiency in English and/or Mandarin Chinese for academic and professional communication.

  4. A strong interest in scholarly publishing and peer review.

  5. The ability to provide timely and precise assessments of submitted manuscripts.

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Reviewer Responsibilities

Given that reviewers play a critical role in determining the acceptance or rejection of articles, it is essential that they conduct thorough and unbiased evaluations. Reviewers are expected to assess manuscripts based on the following criteria:

  1. Adherence to Author Guidelines: Ensuring that the manuscript conforms to JIE’s submission requirements.

  2. Relevance and Clarity: Evaluating the study’s objectives, methodology, and significance within its respective field.

  3. Validity of Conclusions: Assessing whether the findings are well-supported by the data and relevant literature.

  4. Editorial Standards: Providing recommendations on grammar, punctuation, and overall readability in accordance with scholarly publishing norms.

  5. Alignment with Journal Scope: Confirming that the manuscript falls within the journal’s thematic focus.

  6. Ethical Considerations: Identifying potential issues related to plagiarism, data manipulation, or conflicts of interest.

  7. Constructive Feedback: Offering detailed suggestions to improve the structure, coherence, and impact of the manuscript.

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Agreement and Appointment Terms

Upon acceptance as a reviewer or editorial board member, the following terms apply:

  1. The initial appointment is for a term of two years.

  2. Reviewers are expected to adhere to the ethical policies and publication guidelines established by the University of Suwon and International College, which may be updated periodically.

  3. Reviewers consent to having their name and professional profile displayed on the JIE website and journal cover.

Termination of Appointment

While reviewers are expected to complete their full term, the agreement may be terminated under the following circumstances:

  1. A fundamental misalignment with JIE’s policies and review standards.

  2. Repeatedly providing inadequate or substandard reviews.


Application Process

Interested scholars are invited to apply by submitting the following materials via email:

  • A brief cover letter outlining their motivation for joining the editorial team.

  • A current curriculum vitae (CV) detailing relevant academic and research experience.

Applications are processed on a rolling basis and applicants will receive an acknowledgment email upon submission. A final decision regarding acceptance will be communicated within two weeks.

For further inquiries or to submit an application, please contact the editorial office via email.


Our journal follows a rolling intake system for article submissions. Manuscripts will be published online as they successfully pass the peer review process. The publication schedule is as follows:

Spring Edition: Articles accepted between January and May
Autumn Edition: Articles accepted between July and November
Printed Volume: A single compiled volume is produced and sent to authors in December each year.

Author/s are given one complimentary printed copy.
ISSN: 2586-6478

Address: 17 Wauan-gil, Bongdam-eup, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea18323

International College, The University of Suwon

Phone: (031) 220-2633
Fax: (031) 220-2633


© 2025 by The Journal of International Education

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